Diving Club

Specialty Instructor & Advanced Open Water Instructor

Specialty Instructor
Teaching specialty courses is a perfect way to continue growing as an SSI Instructor. Specialty courses offer variety and are convenient and easy to learn. Also, you get to teach the activities you love most! Instructors may qualify to teach specialty courses by attending one of SSI's seminars, co-teaching with an Advanced Open Water Instructor or by documenting significant experience. Instructors must also purchase the course teaching materials for the particular specialty they wish to teach. And when an Instructor is qualified to teach four or more specialties, they earn the Advanced Open Water Instructor rating.

SSI Specialty Courses:

   Boat Diving
   Computer Diving
   Deep Diving
   Diver Stress and Rescue
   Dry Suit Diving
   Enriched Air Nitrox
   Equipment Techniques
   Night and Limited-Visibility Diving
   Search and Recovery
   Underwater Photography
   Waves, Tides and Currents
   Wreck Diving

Advanced Open Water Instructor

Course Details

Before applying, candidates must have an SSI Open Water Instructor rating or equivalent.

To receive their AOWI rating, candidates must have experience or training in at least four SSI Specialty courses.

Training Program
The program consists of three options for instructor training.

   Co-teaching: Instructors may co-teach with an already-qualified, active AOWI to    learn to teach specialties.
   Seminar: Instructors may attend a seminar conducted by an active Instructor    Trainer, Evaluator or Certifier.
   Application: Instructors who can document extensive experience in four specialty    areas may apply to become an AOWI.

Program Materials
The program requires a variety of SSI diver and instructor manuals, videos, dive tables, DiveLogs and study guides.

After Graduation
Upon graduation, SSI Open Water Instructors are authorized to conduct the Open Water Diver, Scuba Skills Update, Try Scuba and Snorkeling courses. They can also attend an SSI Advanced Open Water instructor course.

Active Status
To maintain active status, DiveCons must be affiliated with an SSI Dealer and have current insurance.